Amazon lower frame part of balanced cars
Dec 14, 2015
Balanced car battery frequent accidentsAmazon interviews with manufacturers Balanced car brand Swagway spokesman said, Amazon is interviews with some balance car manufacturers,asking them to public safety certified products and startlower frame part of products sold Amazon require the disclosure ofproduct components information is the battery and charger, manufacturersneed to pass the certification documents to prove their production of batteries and chargers comply withUN 38.3, UL 1642 and UL 60950-1 standards. UN 38.3 to ensure lithium batteriestransport safety ; UL 1642 standard to ensure that the lithium batteryduring use will not easily fire or explosion; UL 60950-1 standard is usedto define safety performance of the charger. Best reviews first discovered the Amazon lower frame balance cars.5 balance cars theyhave been assessmentunable tobuyonthe website also issued a solemn statement: Until the car's safety performance balance is verified, we do not recommend buying any one balanced car.
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