The advantages of transfer coating, There is no strict viscosity requirement of the battery slurry, easy to adjust coating parameters, no plugging material. The disadvantage is that the relatively poor coating accuracy, can not guarantee the consistency of the battery electrode. The exposure of battery slurry to air between rollers has a partial effect on the properties of slurry.
Battery Electrode Extrusion Coating Machine
The feeding system transfers the battery slurry to the screw pump, then transferred to the extruder, the battery slurry is made into a liquid film by extrusion and then coated onto a moving battery current collector. After drying, a uniform coating is formed.The advantages are very uniform and high precision, high flatness of coating edge, closed operating system, not affected by other factors, suitable for mass production. Its disadvantage lies in the high precision requirement of equipment, high maintenance requirements and battery slurry viscosity range requirements.